Welcome to Bend Animal Hospital
We are dedicated to providing compassionate, exceptional care for all of your animals

Our Story
Bend Animal Hospital is a mixed animal facility established in 1996. We provide high quality medical and surgical services for all companion pets, horses and livestock. Our entire staff provides compassionate care to all of our patients and caring, clear and informative communication with their owners.
Our recently completed expansion added solar hot water production and photo-valtaic energy generation to our clinic. we are supplying roughly 45% of our buildings energy needs from solar energy.
The expanded space allows separation of medical procedures: with small and large animal surgery room, recovery rooms and a radiology suite. The expanded dog kennels and equine examination and treatment areas have radiant floor heating allowing for greater comfort and convenience for animal and clients.
Contact Us
63240 Service Road, Bend, OR, 97703, US
[email protected]
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 6:00
Saturday 9:00 – 4:00
Sunday Closed
Dr. Steve says… (Seasonal advice from Dr. Pappa)
As we move into spring this year your pets and farm animals may show more parasite problems which we discuss below…
We have had multiple reports of ticks on dogs and horses especially in North Deschutes County. So, consider your plans for traveling with animals and what might need to e covered. At BAH we have 30 day flea and tick control in either oral or topical form.
Heartworm, which is carried only by mosquitos, and we suggest a once a month preventative.
For you horse owners, the small gnats that feed on ears and chest are already a problem. We have fly sprays and lotions to help your animals.
Rabbits need extreme cleanliness to reduce flies but insecticides can assist when applied top hutches but must be limited on the rabbits themselves.
Cattle in the field may reduce their grazing time if they become bothered by flies.
Fair livestock need fly and surface parasite control in order to grow well and look their best.
What we offer
Mixed Animal Practice
Bend Animal Hospital is a mixed animal facility established in 1996. We provide high quality medical and surgical services for all companion pets, horses and livestock. Our entire staff provides compassionate care to all of our patients and caring, clear and informative communication with their owners.

Indoor facilities are available for horses and small livestock to be examined and hospitalized including equine stocks, padded and heated large animal surgery suite and recovery stalls. Our Doctors will also develop herd health programs customized to your needs. We have ample room in our parking area for trailers of any size.

Treatment and Surgery
Our veterinarians can discuss various vaccination, parasite control, weight and pain management programs that are customized to the needs of your pets.
Our hospital is well equipped for surgical and dental procedures on all species. We have recently added digital dental radiography and a new vacuum equine float system. Our in-house laboratory is able to run full CBC and Chemistry blood panels, urinalysis and fecal tests. We also have ultrasound, radiology, and state of the art equipment for anesthesia monitoring. Our clinic is equipped with a full pharmacy as well as an online pharmacy.

For all of our established clients, a veterinarian is available 24 hours a day for emergency consultation or service if needed. When calling our office after hours, you will reach our answering service message. Stay on the line and a representative will page a doctor. Please stay near and off the phone until the doctor returns your call. Emergencies are served on a first call basis. There is a fee for emergency service or consultation and will be assessed by the Doctor on call.

63240 Service Road, Bend, OR, 97703, US
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 6:00
Saturday 9:00 – 4:00
Sunday Closed